“Co-founded a monthly newspaper, The Meridian News, that was pubolished for almost two years, had over 300 subscfibers, was distributed in over 25 States and printed 5,000 - 10.000 issues per month.
Footers in this website are a few of the what created in the many issues of the Meridian.
A sampling of the many articles, covers, indexes, ads, puzzles and comics Zack created for the Pygmy Papers
1987 ~ 1991
Zack’s Duckington Sports covered all sports news and events in his town of Duckington.
Political cartoons Zack crafted for the Pacific Coast News and Commentary and The Outlook commenting on all of the hot local topics and controversies of the time.
2003 ~ 2004
Click on picture to view
Zach’s graphics
Would state sponsored media be qualitatively different than the current American mainstream media? ~ Zach, The Meridian